
Modeling personal finances in terms of marginals and averages, in accordance with my idea of Payroll Psychology, which Prof. Kelly pinned down for me as a matter of wealth effects upon Demand ("wealth" in terms of perceived increases in one's income; perceived, but not actual, in monetary terms — my thought is moreso that individuals' feelings regarding their income levels may tend to be far less grounded in their averaged-out levels of income than the perceived growth rate of their bank accounts, at and around t* [when one is paid, and some time thereafter])

WisdomEconomics is less of a tweak on conventional economic theory than it is an exploration of where reality (people's actual behavior) diverges from theory (people's theoretically normative behavior) as a result of people thinking differently about the matter. (To the degree that thinking [explicitly or implicitly/subconsciously] about doing X precedes doing X.)

How might people be thinking about this [X] but in a muddied or less straight-forward way?

In averaging out expected inflows and outflows across the entire time period that's being considered, growth rates for such expected flows are zero. This could be very useful, psychologically/emotionally.